
Recipes-with-Nadia-Coetzee-Nutritionist-Root-Your-Health-Perth-Christmas Roasted Orange vegetables with chickpeas, Chermoula and Millet

Christmas Roasted Orange vegetables with chickpeas, Chermoula and Millet

Root your health Christmas Roasted Orange vegetables with chickpeas, Chermoula and Millet Prep cook serves 15 min 45 min 4-6 Ingredients 185 g Millet or Quinoa 2 tbsp Olive oil 375 ml Vegetable stock 1 Small butternut pumpkin (800 g), peeled and diced (2 cm chunks) 2 Orange Sweet potatoes (500 g), peeled and diced

Christmas Roasted Orange vegetables with chickpeas, Chermoula and Millet Read More »

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